Monday, February 25, 2013

Québèc: the Europe-in-Canada

This afternoon, I talked with a woman at the Study Abroad Office about study abroad options in Québèc and France. She herself had studied a summer at l'Université Laval and a semester in Aix-en-Provence. As such, she knew about Québèc City and southeastern France a bit. She highly recommended the CEA and CIEE programs-- she participated in the former and she knows people who participated in the later. She also talked very highly of her time spent in Québèc City; "I'd totally move there in a heartbeat... it's like you're in Europe."

Currently, Pitt does not recognize any programs in Canada. However, a student can make a case for why a current program should be recognized; their advisor(s) can create a schema of courses that they will count toward their requirements/major. The proposal will then be brought to the Study Abroad Office staff. In my situation, I would be able to formulate my case with the help of Brett Wells (the French undergrad advisor, who happens to be a Québecois aficionado), Annmarie, and Lisa. *fist pump*

I have begun researching Laval and Québèc... and wow is this an amazing option!
Laval has an impressive sounding theatre department: their course offerings are AMAZING.
Among the theatre courses that interest me are...
  • THT 1003: Creating the Scene 1 (Dramaturgical work)
  • THT 1005: Theatre and Society
  • THT 1006: Theatre of Québèc I (origins to 1980)
  • THT 2003: Theatre of Québèc II (1980 to today)

Other Laval department offerings that interest me include...
  • Dramatic Arts (Education and Dramatic Art; Dramatic Art and other Art Forms)
  • French as a Second Language (Practical Phonetics I; Literary Texts I; Quebecois Civilization)
  • Science of Religion (Religion in Quebec; Psychology of Religion)
Fun fact: Studying as an exchange student at Laval would require me to take a test with the Educational Testing Service of Canada to prove the minimal level of fluency to enroll.

On their home page, Laval promotes how internships are an important part of their degree plans. This definitely keeps the door open to finding a theatre company to work with– a very excited and very important thing to keep in mind!

Naturally, I hopped on my Google and searched "théâtre Québèc"...which yielded a plethora of results! I scanned pages and scooted over to over half a dozen theatre companies' pages.

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